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Unique Impact


Updated: Jun 11, 2023

I am one of those people who, for better or for worse, has more than their fair share of crisis responses under their belt. At first, I thought it was because I was an adrenaline junky. But that isn't the case.

My anxiety prevents me from being an adrenaline junky. It turns out that the calling on my life is to be a crisis responder. It has taken most of my life to come to that conclusion. Now that I know, I have a deep desire to share the things I have learned, to learn more about crisis response and to talk about it in whatever forum is available to me.

This is why "Unique Impact - The School Crisis Responders Blog" was created. This blog will be posted on the National Alliance of School Crisis Responders (NASCR) website. I encourage you to share it to other who may need to read it.

What I have learned in my years of school crisis response is that there are no two crises which are the same. I have learned that everyone wants to handle school crisis the right way. I have also learned there is no such thing as a perfect crisis response. By its very nature, school crisis responses have flaws. It's unavoidable.

It's my desire to help those of us who respond to school crisis grow better and know more each time we respond. Knowing more means we help more and in better ways. Schools and their communities deserve our best, especially on their worst days.

It is also my desire that we take good care of ourselves and each other as we continue to respond. This work is far from easy and usually heartbreaking. However, if we improve our practice, work together and draw boundaries, we will last longer and be better.

I am committed to blogging weekly. Sometimes it will be more, and sometimes it may be less. I am open to your ideas, your comments, your concerns and your thoughts on school crisis response. Some of the topics I write about will relate to current school crises in the media, some will be best practices and some will be case scenarios.

Please reach out with your ideas and topics you wish to know more about so that I can take on topics important to you.

Thank you for being a part of this critically important community of responders. The unique impact school crisis responders have on the people they serve cannot be understated. The work we do matters. The work will never run out. The work we do can affect and maybe even save lives.

Thank you for your service. Let's do this work together and make each other better every step of the way.


About Me Unique Impact - The School Crisis Responders Blog My name is Michelle Strain. I have a been a crisis responder in one way or another for nearly 30 years. I have spend the last decade+ as a school crisis responder. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who has worked in the school setting for many years. Now I work at the state level and respond to school crises all over Oklahoma by providing consultation, resources, and in-person support. I have two master's degrees in counseling and a bachelor's in journalism. I plan to start my doctorate in education administration and leadership in summer 2023 with a focus in school crisis response. I am married to my husband, Shannon. We have four adult sons: Justin, Alex, Ryan, and Will; a daughter-in-law Rikki; and our beautiful granddaughter Journey. We have three dogs and three cats. Visit profile Archive Report Abuse Powered by Blogger



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